Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Male Gamers: Sexist?

Anyone who’s been online knows this one simple fact: anonymity breeds stupidity. People generally feel they can say whatever they want because its online, because they’re safe behind their monitor. This sort of mentality has bled over to the gaming form, be it MMO’s or Xbox Live, gamers say awful things. I’ve heard everything from general cursing, racial slurs or simple personal attacks. More often than not these (generally) come from the mouth’s of people that sound too young to drive, let alone actually CAPABLE of teabagging someone. But above all else if a girl is EVER heard over a headset, sexist remarks just fly. So are gamers truly sexist? Or just plain stupid?

There’s little doubt as to the fact that video games have been largely male dominated since practically conception. But as the years go by, girl gamers have increased, statistically that is. By and large most male gamers don’t know female gamers. And if the things that are said over the internet are any indication, its no surprise why. Of the girl gamers I know, most refuse to talk on xbox live/psn, and even more have ambiguous screen names that don’t show their sex. All this easily points to the fact that male gamers are dirty sexist pigs right?

But that’s the part where I’m confused. I know quite a few gamers, and I don’t know any that are genuinely SEXIST. Yes some are just general douchebags that wouldn’t hesitate to rag on anyone…..behind the curtain of online gaming. But most of them would kill at the chance to actually have a girlfriend that played games. Now I can’t speak for all gamers, but I wouldn’t doubt if this pattern held fast. The confusing thing is always, why? Obviously their actions aren’t going to win them any girls, last I checked telling a girl to get in the kitchen is NOT a good pick up line. So then what’s the real problem?

I think the real problem is the concept of the girl gamer as portrayed by “outsiders”. By outsiders I mean non-gamers, the media (and the like), people who have no love for the gaming lifestyle. Somehow male gamers have had this concept inserted into their heads: “guys can play games, but girls shouldn’t. The ones that do are either: fat, ugly or slutty.” (A phrase beautifully pointed out by the ladies over at The thought that an average girl seemed like a trap, It’s just impossible right? Well it doesn’t make sense to just ridicule it. Its ENTIRELY the wrong approach and only seeks to widen the divide.

But honestly I think there’s only one way for this kind of crap to stop.
Ladies. Beat.there.ass. And then talk trash. Epic trash.
Yes it seems juvenile. But sometimes you have to rub the dog’s nose in his crap to make him realize it stinks. Hell I’d videotape and then youtube the act. Just so you please the “Screenshot or it didn’t happen” faction.
Seriously guys, grow up. It ain’t second grade, you can’t push girls in the mud to show your affection.